February 15, 2011

Mi familia

If you read our article in the magazine, you know a bit of our story. What better way, I thought, for you to get to know us a little more than to meet us in our natural habitat, our local Mexican restaurant?

The Akridge family are valued customers here – high-rollers, if you will. People know us. If this place was a casino, they’d comp us a room. Exaggerating? Nay, nay. About a month ago, we overheard one waiter say to another, “Se gustan Mexicana, eh?” (or something like that) which means, “They really like Mexican food, huh?”
Maybe we do visit too often. We’ve made friends with the staff, know the ages of their children, and Bailey asks for tortilla. It actually comes out more like “tilla,” but I don’t think she’s ever asked for “salad” or “Brussels sprouts.”

Now, if your inner Dave Ramsey is gearing up to rebuke us for eating out so much, let me assure you that we are pretty cheap-living people. It just about brings us physical pain to spend money on ourselves. We don’t even have a monthly clothes budget, but we’ll slap down $3 for a bowl of cheese dip any day of the week.

It’s funny, I hated Mexican food until I started dating Gunter. He loved it, and of course I didn’t tell him any different when he asked me out to a Mexican restaurant for our first…and second…dates. (That’s how you are when you start dating, even if you have known each other since the 3rd grade.) Somewhere in the process of becoming one flesh, I learned to crave it as much as he did.

We’re starting Bailey on it early. She likes it because:
1. She’s guaranteed tortilla and cheese.
2. She enjoys watching soccer on the much-nicer-than-ours TV screens.
3. The music puts her in a dancing mood.
4. This particular restaurant has about a million knick-knacks sitting around, including a fountain and a ceramic chicken she loudly “Bock! Bock!”s to every time we visit. She gets so excited, we silently apologize to everyone sitting near us who probably expected a nice, quiet meal.

And, of course, Mama likes it not just for the cuisine and ambiance, but also because you get to take the experience with you. Why do MEXICAN restaurants have the best Southern sweet tea?

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