February 22, 2011

Let's get this potty started

Gunter and I had a very romantic date last night after we stopped by WCM's Faith Radio broadcast. We ate at our favorite Dothan Mexican restaurant (where, lo and behold, we knew three people who worked there from our favorite Mexican restaurant in Opp...Apparently, we are VIPs wherever we go). But that's another story. On to the good part.

The next stop on our romantic date was a bookstore to find the perfect potty book. Since our 18-month-old has most of her books memorized, what better way, I thought, than to convey the concept of potty training than through a potty book?

Piece of cake, right? Um, no.

Of the gazillion different potty training books, some were too gross (I guess any books about said subject would have to be a little on the icky side), some too wordy, some not explanatory enough, some not visually appealing, yada yada yada.
Though I'm not sure we found the perfect potty book (we ended up buying two, one that Mommy liked and one that Daddy liked), we did find some real jewels by an author called Leslie Patricelli.

Well, maybe jewels wouldn't be an accurate description, but they were downright hilarious! (Are there rules against two adults cackling like hyenas in the children's section of the bookstore?) I can't offer you a free sample of iced caramel mocha something, but just pretend you're there, and take a look at a few of these pages.

Cute, huh? And for the record, Bailey is now especially fond of Daddy's pick for the potty book.

Please feel free to post a comment and let me know your favorites! I've loved children's books long before I even LIKED children. Potty training suggestions are welcomed, too.

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